Hartford Courant, Hartford, Connecticut, Sunday, August 02, 1959
Young Contender
BOBBY FISCHER'S GAMES OF CHESS—By Bobby Fischer; Simon and Schuster; $2.95; 97 pp.
The thirty-four chess games scored in this book represent the first collection of important tournament games played by the author, U.S. Open Chess Champion for 1958 and 1959, possible contender for the World Championship in the near future and, at 15, the youngest International Grand master of all time. Preceded by a review of his chess career the volume includes his 13 games played in the U.S. Open Tournament of 1957-1958, the 20 games he played in the 1958 Interzonal Matches in Yugoslavia and his prize-winning “Game of the Century” from the Rosenwald Trophy Tournament of 1956, called one of the most amazing feats of combinative depth and brilliancy by a 13-year-old in the long history of chess prodigies.
Annotation for fourteen of the games is by the author—the Interzonals were not annotated because of the lack of time and the pressure of school work—and these notes provide a valuable insight into the analytical resource and technical skill of one of the great chess minds of our time. This book will be a first-rate addition to anyone's chess library. Players of any degree of skill will get a great deal of pleasure from playing over Bobby Fischer's games against the leading world masters and will most certainly profit by becoming more familiar with the latest and soundest lines in chess.