Courier-Post, Camden, New Jersey, Thursday, January 08, 1959
Bobby Fischer, 15, Wins U.S. Tourney Twice
At the age of 15, Bobby Fischer, Brooklyn high school student is two-time winner of the United States chess championship.
Fischer went undefeated and successfully defended the title he won last year in the 11-round championship event, which now carries with it the Lessing J. Rosenwald Trophy. Bobby's victory was cleancut, 6 victories and 5 draws giving him a final score of 8½-2½. This was a full point advantage over five-time former champion Samuel Reshevsky, which at 7½-3½ was likewise a full point ahead of James T. Sherwin in third.
The field could not have been a stronger one, making Fischer's victory all the more glowing. And as cream on the peaces, he clinched it by a sensational triumph over Reshevsky in their match, the score of which is reproduced below with notes by the New York Times reporter.
Robert James Fischer vs Samuel Reshevsky
United States Championship (1958/59), New York, NY USA, rd 6, Dec-??
Sicilian Defense: Old Sicilian. Open (B32) 1-0
(A) Here is where Reshevsky over-anxious to be rid of the powerful white bishop, went astray and gave the alert schoolboy his big chance. Fischer was prepared for it. He sacrificed the bishop in question brought out the black king seemingly in a safe retreat, and then parted with a knight. The black queen was hemmed in and had to be abandoned in exchange for two pieces. From then on Fischer pressed his advantage, step by step, until Reshevsky resigned after 42 moves.
(B) Somewhat better would have been 9 KtxB although Fischer still would have had the advantage.