Deseret News and Salt Lake Telegram Salt Lake City, Utah Thursday, June 25, 1959
Myth Exploded of Dull, Slow Playing
The first is that chess is played only by old, old men, and the second is that a game of chess goes on for hours, days, or even months. Of the first myth we have previously written, and once noted that of 30 state champions across the nation, more than half of them were under 20. Bobby Fischer, for example, the United States champion, is only 16 and a senior in high school in Brooklyn. […] There are 34 exciting games in the new book, “Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess,” published by Simon and Schuster. The 13 games from the USA Championship Tournament 1957-58 and the prize-winning “Game of the Century” from the Third Rosenwald Trophy Tournament are penetratingly analyzed by Fischer. His annotations provide invaluable instruction to the chess player of either average or advanced ability. In addition, this book includes the scores of Fischer's 20 games (without annotations) from the 1958 Portoroz International Tournament in which he played against the world's elite in chess, including Tal, Gligorich, Petrosyan and Bronstein. The games in this book disclose Fischer's brilliance in middle and end-game strategy, and also the latest and soundest treatments of popular openings — in particular, the Sicilian and King's Indian Defenses. By playing these games over, the reader will become familiar with the patterns of the latest and soundest lines in chess, and will automatically begin to make stronger moves in his own games.