Courier-Post Camden, New Jersey Thursday, June 11, 1959
Mikhail Tal, 23-year-old Latvian who has twice held the Soviet Union championship, captured the Jubilee tournament at Zurich, Switzerland, over a field of 15 others. His final score was 11½-3½. A close second at 11-4 was the Yugoslav grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric.
America's brilliant young champion Bobby Fischer finished in a tie with the veteran Paul Keres, of Russia, at 10½-4½. However, in their match in the 12th round the 16-year-old Bobby defeated Keres in 81 moves. Bobby's play during the tournament was spectacular and at the awarding of prizes he drew the biggest hand of any of the competitors. He had 8 victories, 5 draws and 2 defeats. One of his losses was to Gligoric and the other, which cost him dearly, was in the 14th round to Dieter Keller, of Switzerland, who finished 12th in the final standings.