New York Times, New York, New York, Friday, April 10, 1959
2 Share Honors In Chess Tourney
Pachman, Najdorf Deadlock in Argentina — Fischer Ties for Third Place
Mar Del Plata, Argentina, April 9 (AP) — Ludek Pachman of Czechoslovakia and Miguel Najdorf of Argentina tied for first place in an international chess tournament that ended today. Each wound up with 10½ points.
Bobby Fischer, 16-year-old Brooklynite, tied for third with Yugoslavia's Borislav Ivkov at 10 points. In his final match Fischer drew with Ivkov.
Last night Fischer defeated Jacobo Bolbochan of Argentina in fifty-six moves.
Fischer Score Listed
Among Bobby Fischer's defeated opponents was Herman Pilnik of Buenos Aires who, next to Najdorf, is the oldest of the competitors at Mar del Plata.
The United States champion resorted to a line in the Sicilian defense, of which he is fond and has been well-tested. Pilnik gave a good account of himself for forty-one moves but was outwitted in a rook-and-bishop ending.
Najdorf faced with an English opening adopted by Hector Rossetto of Argentina, chose the King's Indian defense. This match was stubbornly contested, but Najdorf succeeded in capturing a pawn and gained the verdict in a rook-and-pawn ending after fifty-nine moves.
Maurice J. Kasper was re-elected president of the Manhattan Chess Club last night. Morris Steinberg, Edward W. Turner and Mrs. Cecil Wertheim were chosen as vice presidents.