New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, May 02, 1959
Chess Stars Adjourn
Fischer Halts Match Against Flores After 40 Moves
Santiago, Chile, May 1 (AP)—Bobby Fischer, the 16-year-old United States champion from Brooklyn adjourned his match with Roberto Flores of Chile in the Arturo Alessandri Palma international chess tournament today after forty moves.
It was the second match adjourned by Fischer, who remained tied with Flores for fourth place. Each player has four points. Fischer, in nine matches, has won four, lost three and adjourned two.
Borislav Ivkov, Yugoslavia's champion, defeated Raul Sanguinetti of Argentina in thirty-five moves. He holds a half-point lead with 6½ points. Behind him, each with 6 points, are Ludek Pachman of Czechoslovakia, and Sanguinetti.