New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, May 03, 1959
Chilean Beats Fischer
U.S. Chess Champion Bows to Juaregui in 40 Moves
Santiago, Chile, May 2 (AP)—Carlos Jauregui of Chile defeated Bobby Fischer, 16-year-old United States champion from Brooklyn, on the fortieth move of their game in the international chess tournament last night.
It was Fischer's second loss in ten games. He has won four. Four have been adjourned.
Borislav Ivkov, champion of Yugoslavia, held the tournament lead and remained unbeaten when he defeated Robert Stekel of Chile in thirty-five moves today. Ivkov has won three games and drawn three.
Ludek Pachmann of Czechoslovakia is second, Raul Sanguinetti of Argentina third, and Fischer, Jauregui, Roberto Flores of Chile and Herman Pilnik of Argentina tied for fourth.