New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, October 05, 1959
Fischer Adjourns Petrosian Match
Has Initiative After 41 Moves in Chess but Draw Looms—Keres Splits Point
Bobby Fischer and Tigran Petrosian of the Soviet Union adjourned after forty-one moves yesterday in the challengers' chess tournament at Bled. Yugoslavia, according to a report received here.
Fischer, the United States champion, played the white pieces and retained the initiative. Indications point to a draw in the third meeting of the pair. Petrosian won the first two games.
The tournament leader, Paul Keres of the Soviet Union, drew in thirty-five moves with Vassily Smyslov of the Soviet Union. Keres' score is 10½—5½.
Mikhail Tal, Soviet Union, second in the standing, adjourned with Svetozar Gligoric, Yugoslavia, in forty-one moves. A draw in thirty-two moves was registered between Fridrik Olafsson, Iceland and Paul Benko of New York.
Fischer, playing the black side of a King's Indian defense, defeated Keres for the second time in twenty-seven moves on Saturday night. He obtained the initiative through the sacrifice of a pawn and forced his rival into an error.