New York Times, New York, New York, Friday, May 29, 1959
Fischer Adjourns Two Chess Games
Puts Off Tests With Larsen and Unzicker—Tal Beats Walther at Zurich
Bobby Fischer, 16-year-old United States chess champion yesterday continued his bid for top honors in the jubilee international tournament in Zurich. He adjourned two games and remained in second place, according to a report from Switzerland.
Mikhail Tal of the Soviet Union defeated Edgar Walther of Switzerland and stayed in first place with 6½—1½.
Fischer, 5—1, had a third session in his sixth-round game with Bent Larsen of Denmark and adjourned after eighty-one moves when the Brooklyn youth refused a draw offered by Larsen.
Next, Fischer opposed Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany in the eighth round and adopted his favorite Ruy Lopez.