New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, May 24, 1959
Fischer Defeats Kupper In Zurich
U.S. Star Gains Undisputed Possession of 1st Place in Chess Tournament
Bobby Fischer, the 16-year-old United States chess champion, defeated Josef Kupper of Switzerland in twenty-five moves to gain undisputed possession of first place in the jubilee international masters tournament at Zurich, according to a report from Swiss news sources last night.
The talented young Erasmus Hall High School student devised a fine combination against the Sicilian defense set up by his opponent. Fischer sacrificed at his twentieth turn and, give moves later, forced Kupper's resignation. The Brooklyn youth now has a 3½-½ total.
Fischer was helped to the top by Paul Keres of the Soviet Union who defeated Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia in 38 moves of a Ruy Lopez.
Gligoric, who had been tied with Fischer, dropped to fourth place in the standing.
Keres tied at 3-1 for second place with Mikhail Tal of the Soviet Union, Tal, on the black side of a Sicilian defense, won in 36 moves from Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany.
The only other fourth-round victor was Hein Donner of the Netherlands, who won a pawn from Dr. Erwin Nievergelt, Switzerland and scored in 38 moves.