New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, May 17, 1959
Fischer To Play In Zurich Chess; Rest Expected to Help U.S. Champion Regain Form After Santiago Loss
In spite of his disappointing showing at Santiago, Chile, Bobby Fischer, chess champion of the United States, is expected to be in top form again after a much-needed rest in the West Indies.
He is due in Zurich, Switzerland, on Tuesday to play in the Swiss international jubilee tournament until June 8. There he will encounter two of the most powerful Soviet grand masters—Vassily Smyslov and Paul Keres—in the field of sixteen. Fischer has been anxious to play these two Russians ever since the rank of grand master was bestowed upon him by the International Chess Federation.
At Santiago, Fischer suffered four losses. He cannot afford to drop that number of points and rank as high at Zurich as he did at Portoroz, Mar del Plata, or the two contests for the United States championship, both of which he won.