New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, September 26, 1959
Keres Triumphs In 31-Move Game
Challengers' Chess Leader Defeats Benko—Fischer and Olafsson Adjourn
Paul Keres of the Soviet Union, tightened his hold on first place yesterday by defeating Paul Benko of New York in the twelfth round of the world challengers' chess tournament in Bled, according to a report received last night from Yugoslavia.
The Estonian grandmaster was at his best with the white pieces. He broke down the defense of the Hungarian refugee and scored in thirty-one moves.
Keres' score is 8½—3½.
The only game unfinished yesterday was between Bobby Fischer, United States champion, and Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland. The latter was on the defensive throughout.
Two Soviet Union grandmasters, Tigran Petrosian and Mikhail Tal, drew in thirty-seven moves to retain second and third places, respectively.
Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia held fourth place by drawing with Vassily Smyslov, Soviet Union.
In his effort to square accounts with Petrosian in the ninth round for a defeat sustained in the second, Fischer depended too much upon maneuvers against the white king that were successfully met by the Russian.
Petrosian, meanwhile, established superiority on the queen's side of the board, where he captured two pawns. Faced with certain defeat, Fischer resigned after thirty-one moves.