New York Times, New York, New York, Saturday, May 23, 1959
Olafsson Draws In Zurich Chess
Shares Point With Walther in Adjourned Game After Ten Hours of Play
Six adjourned games, completing three rounds of the jubilee international chess masters tournament in Zurich, were finished yesterday, according to a report received from Switzerland.
The highlight of the session was a draw lasting, in all, ten hours between Edgar Walther of Switzerland and Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland. The Icelander had a knight opposed to a bishop in the ending, wherein neither could prevail.
Each had a score of 1½—1½. Tied at 2—1 were two Russians, Paul Keres and Mikhail Tal; Gedeon Barcza of Hungary, Dieter Keller of Switzerland and Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany.
Bobby Fischer, United States, and Svetozar Gligoric, Yugoslavia, each 2½—½, remained deadlocked for first.
The results of the adjourned games: