New York Times, New York, New York, Tuesday, June 09, 1959
Tal, Soviet Union, Is Zurich Victor
Triumphs in Chess Tourney When Gligoric Is Held to Draw by Kupper
Mikhail Tal, a 23-year-old Latvian-born international grandmaster at chess representing the Soviet Union in the Jubilee tournament at Zurich, yesterday emerged as the winner of first prize, according to reports from Switzerland. Tal had a score of 11½—3½.
Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia, who had a chance to tie Tal, was held to a draw in fifty-five moves by Josef Kupper of Switzerland in their adjourned fifteenth-round game. This left Gligoric in the runner-up position a score of 11—4.
Paul Keres, the other representative of the Soviet Union, drew his adjourned game with Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland in fifty-eight moves and tied for third place, at 10½—4½, with Bobby Fischer, the United States champion. The 16-year-old Brooklyn youth had defeated Keres in eighty-one moves in the twelfth round.
Winners in other adjourned games played-off yesterday were Edwin Bhend and Dieter Keller of Switzerland, and Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany, all with the white pieces.
The tournament formally wound up with the presentation of prizes at a reception in the Municipal Congress Building.
Fischer, whose resourceful play had made a deep impression, was warmly applauded. He won eight games, drew five and lost two.
The score of the game won by Fischer from Hein Donner of the Netherlands in the thirteenth round: