New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, June 07, 1959
Tal Tops Donner In Zurich Chess
Russian Takes Lead After 14 Rounds—Fischer Adjourns Game With Keller
Mikhail Tal, Soviet grandmaster at chess, was in first place yesterday after winning in twenty-eight moves from Hein Donner of the Netherlands in the fourteenth round of the Jubilee tournament in Zurich, according to a report from Switzerland. He broke a tie with Bobby Fischer, United States champion, who adjourned his game with Dieter Keller of Switzerland after forty-one moves.
Tal resorted to the Benoni Counter Gambit and captured a pawn. Donner found himself in difficulty and surrendered sooner than expected.
Fischer played his favorite Ruy Lopez against Keller. Fischer lost a pawn on the twenty-seventh move and another on the thirty-fourth.
Paul Keres of the Soviet Union on the black side of a Ruy Lopez, won the exchange from Edgar Walther of Switzerland, who gave in after forty-one moves. The added point gave third place in the standing to Keres, with Svetozar Gligoric, Yugoslavia, fourth. Gligoric, having an advantage, adjourned with Edwin Bhend of Switzerland.
Bent Larsen of Denmark and Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland were the other fourteenth-round winners.
Today's program will finish adjourned games and start the fifteenth and final round, in which Fischer and Tal are paired.
Zurich Scores Listed
The latest selection of scores received from Zurich includes the draw between the United States champion, Bobby Fischer and Gedeon Barcza of Hungary, which required ninety-five moves. It was the longest game of the tournament to date.
Also included is the struggle between Fischer and Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany, which the Erasmus Hall High School student won after sixty-five moves. In addition, the full details of Fischer's defeat of Dr. Edwin Nievergelt of Switzerland are at hand.
The scores: