New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, June 01, 1959
Tal Wins Twice In Zurich Chess
Regains Lead at 8½-1½—Fischer Beats Nievergelt, Adjourns With Barcza
With two victories yesterday, Mikhail Tal of the Soviet Union again took the lead in the Jubilee international chess tournament at Zurich, according to a report received here.
The Russian won in sixty-four moves from Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland in a game adjourned from the ninth round. He then downed Max Blau of Switzerland in the tenth round, winning an interesting end-game in thirty-five moves. Tal's score is 8½—1½.
Meanwhile, 16-year-old Bobby Fischer, United States champion, adjourned a second time with Gedeon Barcza in the ninth round. After fifty-nine moves, Fischer still had a slightly favorable position in a rook ending, with three pawns on each side.
Fischer next took on Dr. Erwin Nievergelt of Switzerland in the tenth round and won on the white side of a Sicilian defense in forty-two moves. This left Fischer in second place with 7½—1½.
Paul Keres climbed into third place with 7½—2½ after a draw in sixty moves with Bent Larsen of Denmark in the ninth round and a defeat of Wolfgang Unzicker of West Germany in the tenth.