The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, Saturday, August 08, 1959
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Bobby Fischer's mother wants help to pay his way at the international chess matches in Yugoslavia. She has $2,000 and needs as much more. He ought to go.
A grand master at 16, having shown prowess early as great chess players often do, Bobby is considered likely to become world champion. This might be his time; the winner in Yugoslavia will play the present champion, Mikhail Botvinnik of Russia, next year. In any case, Bobby can be counted on to make a fine showing at a game by which Russians, especially, set great store.
The State Department has paid the way of athletes and entertainers to foreign lands, and those unofficial ambassadors have raised the repute of America. Bobby Fischer could do the same, for a modest sum.
If the government doesn't finance the trip, some helpful private person or firm will have a grand chance to buy the United States millions of dollars worth of approval and admiration for merely $2,000.